I party with the mature women. Yes, but not the sorta drinking, smoke out, immoral behavior kinda party. They go to a pig out and dance party. It is a line dance party but not all the songs played in the party are country western. In fact, country western music is only a mere 10% of the entire song list.
Aunties as we prefer to refer them,are not as conservative anymore these days. You think they still wear tights with a straight cut top? No, they wear low-waisted diamante jeans with sometimes sleeveless tops and boots. You think they only go out shopping at all warehouse clearance?No, they go to line dance parties and dance till way past midnight.
Like I mentioned, they do not dance to country western music anymore. Country western is boring. Billboard top 40 is the in thing! So you can actually find aunties dancing to pussy cat dolls, Justin Timberlake, Petey Pablo (Not stuff like Chicane, Paul Van Dyke or Eric Prydz...but I am waiting for the day when someone choreographs a dance to that!)
See, they dance to Beep! Yea, the bald guy is like practically walking through the song. Mind you, he is the choreographer of this dance and it is VERY popular over here. As you can see, hot music, easy dance steps gain popularity fast.
Also, Aunties are fancier than the younger people in parties. They wear bling bling newsboy caps and tops that shows off their bling bling bras! *faints*
Bling Bling newsboy cap with a glittery top.
The bling bling bra top is somewhere there.
So, the next time don't be shocked if an auntie says she knows Petey Pablo's music because they dance to the same kind of music like we do. Or maybe they might even say they love Pussycat Dolls. Or worst, if the auntie says blogging is her past time! *argh* Now I don't feel that young anymore.
Picture taken from Lao Zha Bor blog ( Lao Zha Bor is Hokkien for Old Lady). She is a Singaporean blogger and apparently a very popular one.
People need to behave their age. I don't think I would ever go to a line dance no matter how cool or hot that chick is. Secondly, how about old aunty learn not to nag and bitch and whine. Another thing aunties could learn is don't NAG, BITCH AND WHINE!. Comprende?
Oh God. I have finally foresee my future. I'm afraid, I'll end up like Lao Zha Bor. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. She is damn funny. Reminds me of my granma before she became senile.
People need to behave their age. I don't think I would ever go to a line dance no matter how cool or hot that chick is. Secondly, how about old aunty learn not to nag and bitch and whine. Another thing aunties could learn is don't NAG, BITCH AND WHINE!. Comprende?