I attended a dance competition as a spectator on a Sunday morning, a lil hungover. At least it was an interesting competition to watch. Also, I was wide awake, thanks to the auntie that was sitting beside me. To be polite and respectful, I kept my cool and just smile and nod at her every remark. Can you imagine, she was sooo excited that she kept turning back to her friends, passing remarks, then talking over me to my neighbor about the participants and she kept doing that back and forth and back and forth and side to side. OMG, lady, just shut up and sit still! I couldn't take it and I offered to exchange places with her so that she can talk to her friends till kingdom comes.
Annoying lady aside, there were interesting participants tho. Of course, the vast majority was made out of teens and middle age participants. There were the kiddy group and they are just so adorable. Some are too tiny that its not funny.
The girl looks like a little dot compared to the participants around her.
Then came the interesting event. Belly dancing...ooo....smoking hot I tell you.
Very well endowed belly dancer.
It only gets better and better..... and suddenly...
Ok...auntie's got guts.
But I will tell you who's got the BIGGEST guts (pun intended)
Yes, the crowd roared and cheered when she made her entrance. But checkout who's got even bigger guts. A male belly dancer. This is unheard of, to me at least.
i hope the video hor, got you wearing a bikini and a thong and belly dancing too.....woooooooooooooooooo that would make my day anyday anywhere anyhow anywhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
more & clearer pictures please. zoomed in is possible :)